by BrainTrack
“My students will be going into the future and I want them prepared for it,” says Dr. Charles Wankel, an associate Professor of Management at St. John’s University in New York and the author of many books, including Higher Education in Virtual Worlds: Teaching and Learning in Second Life. “One of the crazy ideas that people have is that students will go in and sit down and listen to a lecture in Second Life. That happens, of course, but I see the strength of using Second Life for team projects,” says Wankel. “Having students do team projects in Second Life is a way for students to get to know each other and learn collaboration, the key business skill of the 21st century. In New York state, an accreditation criteria is interactivity. These sorts of Second Life team exercises help fulfill that requirement.” Wankel also uses Second Life as a lab to give students experience running businesses – entrepreneurial and sales experiences they can apply in the real world. “At Seton University, people the House of Seven Gables in literature courses. In Second Life, they’re building it,” says Wankel.
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