Ellis Henican, Market Watch
Will employees have the skills and education they need to thrive in the post-COVID era? That’s a big, open question that forward-looking executives are only now coming to grips with as the after-pandemic future is slowly defined. “A big part of the answer,” says Charlie Schilling, “is growing the talent instead of buying it. And COVID speeds everything up.” “The old way was going to the market and finding someone new with the skills that you needed,” Schilling said. “But that can be expensive and unpredictable.” And competing companies are often chasing after the same, few bodies. Let’s make sure that people have the skills they need to get those jobs or keep those jobs in finance or healthcare or business services that pay more,” Schilling said. “That is a global problem, which goes directly to many of the economic and social justice issues that people talk about in the world.”
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