Educational Technology

January 27, 2013

Staff Editorial: Online classes deserve your full attention

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by the Daily Eastern

Sometimes students prefer working smarter rather than harder. That’s fine as long as they’re still challenging themselves and learning while they do so. On the surface, online classes seem like an excellent way to do this. Students are able to obtain many of the credits they need to graduate without having to schedule time for that pesky thing called class. With those extra couple of hours each week students will have time to easily keep up with their course work while handling extra activities they may not normally have had time for. At least that’s the idea. What seems to happen more often, however, is that students lose focus of their online classes. Some students may have signed up for an online class with the intention of putting in as little work as possible. Of course these students are being ridiculous. Why pay so much for something to intentionally get very little out of it?

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