Educational Technology

July 29, 2012

Gear Up For School With Education Technology

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

by Health Digest News

One of the best investments parents can make when it comes to equipping their kids for school is to give them tools that encourage success in math and science. Multiple studies predict that careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) will be among the fastest-growing, highest-quality jobs available when today’s students enter the workforce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of careers in STEM is projected to grow 17 percent by 2018, compared to just 9.8 percent for non-STEM jobs. Integrating technology into science and math learning is a great way to engage today’s tech-savvy students and make learning fun and interactive, while improving student achievement in these subjects. Here are helpful tips for parents to consider when choosing math and science gear for their middle school and high school students.

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