Educational Technology

February 29, 2012

KnowU: Where Social Meets Learning

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:35 am

by Eric Stoller, Inside Higher Ed

Representatives from Harrison College (HC) emphasize a “sense of place” with their KnowU learning platform. The platform went live last month with 164 online students who were slated to use KnowU. According to Mark Apple, Director of PR at HC, “focus groups were used to determine WHICH [virtual] space was the most visually appealing.” HC created more than “100 different environments” during testing and selected visuals that “resonated the most with focus groups.” With an emphasis on “Learning, Community, and Support,” KnowU is a unique take on the online learning experience. HC representatives commented on how they wanted to position KnowU as a platform that creates and sustains community as a way of stimulating engagement and learning. The community aspect is largely driven by social media integration.

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