Educational Technology

May 27, 2018

Will Google Duplex Evolve Into a Virtual Teaching Assistant?

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:41 am

by Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed

Once we get over Google’s boneheaded failure to clearly indicate that the calls were originating from a computer, can we take a step back and try to think about the implications of this technology? What Google is demonstrating with Duplex is the ability of AI (artificial intelligence) to have conversations.  Right now, these conversations are limited.  Duplex will be able to call and make a dinner reservation or a styling appointment, but it is not clear what else the technology will be able to do. The current generation of personal digital voice assistants – Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant and Microsoft’s Cortana – are just not all that useful.  They seem like a technology in search of a problem to solve.

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