by Shalina Chatlani, Education Dive
With greater demand surrounding accelerated degree options and the ability to help students cut the cost of tuition, colleges like American University, Drexel University and Georgia State University, among others, are investing in quality fast-track programs that allow students to officially graduate earlier with the help of advisors and school support, reports the Chronicle of Higher Education. Purdue University’s “Degree in 3” option has been growing in popularity, as the institution has begun advertising the program more heavily, and out-of-state students are realizing they can save around $20,000 on tuition — which can help the institution stand out in a competitive college choice marketplace, particularly for students who want to enter the workforce more quickly. Officials are aware, however, that the institution must confront a reality that the college experience is more than just classes and traditional students may not be attracted to the option,
April 24, 2018
Fast track degrees can pay off for students and institutions, but there’s a caveat
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