Educational Technology

November 30, 2011

Why some Ohio schools ban all tech in the classroom

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by Mariella Moon, Tecca

In this day and age when kids use iPads and smartphones in school and parents have a hard time keeping up, it’s difficult to imagine that there are institutions that completely eschew the use of technology in the classroom. But these types of schools really do exist, as evidenced by the Waldorf schools of Ohio. No computers, TVs, tablets, or any gadget reside within the schools’ premises, and their use is discouraged even at home. It’s not because the people behind Waldorf are anti-technology — they just believe learning computers in the first 12 or 13 years of a child’s life is “not what’s best for them.” They also believe that kids don’t need to be taught how to use computers as they’re intuitive machines anyway. By the time the students reach eighth grade (which is the last possible year in the Waldorf system), though, teachers begin allowing them to use computers for basic purposes like research.

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