Educational Technology

July 29, 2017

The Rise of Online Learning Content

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:25 am

by Rhucha Kulkarni, HR

Content creation and delivery is a very important part of learning and development—one that keeps learning offerings relevant to the market and the users. This area has seen significant changes with the advent of new learning media. One such trend is the rise of the online learning course. Today, a number of reputed universities such as Harvard and Yale offer online learning programs, called Massive Open Online Courses. There are also learning platforms like Udacity and Coursera that offer a range of training material, from software development to marketing strategy to communication skills. These online courses are helping bridge the geographical constraints with regard to learning and bring virtual education under one roof to anyone across the world. What’s more, many of the basic versions of these courses are free to access or can be registered for at a nominal charge. These advancements in L&D have been possible because of the marriage of technology and learning. In the light of these readily accessible and cost-effective courses, how is organizational training and development changing?

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