by the Sun-Advertiser
The Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) and the Virtual College of Texas announce the launch of Dual Credit Texas – This Website is the latest collaborative endeavor of the member colleges of TACC. Dual Credit Texas offers a simple online location for high school students and educators seeking information about dual credit opportunities at community colleges in Texas. It contains lists of all Academic and Career/Technical course offerings at community colleges across the state. Also, the Website provides links to local community colleges’ dual credit Webpages, which can be accessed by the name of public school districts a student attends. “Community colleges in Texas are the first choice for over 100,000 high school students seeking dual credit opportunities and for the first time these students can now access a single Website to link to local colleges around the state,” said Dr. Cheryl Sparks, chair of the TACC E-Learning Committee and president of Howard College.
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