Educational Technology

September 27, 2016

Laptops should be allowed in classrooms

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am


The war on technology has arrived at UT as many professors are banning the use of laptops in their classrooms. Laptops and tablets are the norm in a modern classroom setting — many textbooks are offered online and some students use these forms of technology to take notes. The old pen and paper are a part of history, and it should stay there. Prohibiting technology is one more way of controlling students instead of letting them learn how to be adults. While the case for banning laptops from class is a valid one, teachers aren’t taking into consideration that many students would not benefit from this restriction. Course materials are usually more affordable as e-texts, not to mention that typing can be more efficient than writing. However, if students choose not to take notes and shop online instead, they should have the freedom to do so.

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