by Georgetown University
A new “Blended Classroom” allows students in the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business to participate either online or on campus during weekly live class sessions. The new @GeorgetownMSF blended classroom is the future of online, on-campus learning. While adding an on-campus component to what started as an online program might seem counterintuitive, it is the beginning of what MSF Director Allan Eberhart sees as the shape of classrooms to come – an environment where students work independently through the “Anytime Media” platform, complete with animated lectures and searchable transcripts, and then gather in the Blended Classroom for case discussions. On-campus students fill the first three rows and the online students “sit” in the “fourth row” — a large monitor that displays crisp, real-time videos of up to 40 students.
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