Techno-News Blog

September 25, 2013

MITx introduces “XSeries” course sequence certificates on edX

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

by MIT

MITx, the massive open online course effort at MIT, has announced new certificates for completing sequences of related modules or courses on the edX platform. The sequences, called “XSeries” sequences, represent a new approach to MOOC instruction and certification across integrated offerings more expansive than the individual courses that have thus far defined the MOOC landscape. The two initial XSeries sequences are Foundations of Computer Science and Supply Chain and Logistics Management. Curriculum for each XSeries is developed by MIT faculty members and overseen by their academic departments. “These sequences are an opportunity for MIT to both explore how subjects can be addressed in depth through the MOOC format and to better understand student interest in various types of certification,” remarked MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department Head Anantha Chandrakasan in discussing the announcement. “XSeries sequences allow our departments to reimagine the building blocks that structure teaching in our disciplines for the digital environment.” Each XSeries will cover content equivalent to two to four traditional residential courses and take between six months and two years to complete. In a break from previous MITx offerings, the Foundations of Computer Science and Supply Chain and Logistics Management XSeries sequences are composed of shorter, more targeted modules without one-to-one residential course equivalents.

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