Techno-News Blog

June 27, 2013

The Future of Learning According to Millennials

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:19 am

By Samantha Whitehorne, Associations Now

A new study of 1,345 U.S. college students by Millennial Branding and says that may indeed be the case, as respondents said that they are more willing to learn online and that they view the future of learning as more virtual and social media driven.

Here’s a closer look at the results:

39 percent said the future of education would be more virtual, and 19 percent said that social media will be used to engage in the classroom in the future.

50 percent of students said they don’t need a traditional classroom to learn, but 78 percent do think that it’s easier to learn in a traditional classroom than online.

43 percent say that online education will provide them with courses of the same or higher quality than traditional colleges.

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