Techno-News Blog

April 29, 2019

Mixed reality is preparing students for the collaborative workforce

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:17 am

Case Western Reserve is using mixed reality to produce students who are trained for the collaborative workforce. Is your college looking for a way to improve workforce development? Check out mixed reality. At EDUCAUSE 2018, educators from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) shared how the university is developing and implementing small- and large-scale immersive augmented reality and mixed reality learning resources with great success. The projects stem from the university’s Interactive Commons, which explores how cross-departmental teamwork and new technologies can foster innovation and new ways of teaching and learning. So far, they have yielded a fair amount of data, along with increases in student engagement, time savings, and more positive learning experiences overall.

Mixed reality is preparing students for the collaborative workforce

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