Techno-News Blog

April 25, 2019

ASU’s Michael Crow: ‘The Rest of the Culture Sees Us As a Virus’

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

By Jeffrey R. Young, EdSurge

Michael Crow is building an empire, one that frees the state university he leads, Arizona State University, from dependence on declining state funding. ASU has grown into an online education powerhouse since Crow took the helm 17 years ago, and the president has earned a reputation as one of the most innovative university leaders. But not everyone thinks that’s a good thing, as critics complain that he’s too corporate and has turned the state university into what one author called “a factory of credentialing.” Crow argues that he’s creating a prototype of a “new American university” that cares more about opening access to diverse students than chasing high rankings in U.S. News.

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