Techno-News Blog

October 31, 2018

Among Top Math Students, Why Does a Gender Gap Persist?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by  Ashley Swanson, Knowledge@Wharton

The gender gap at average levels of math performance has declined a lot over time, which is great. But if you look at these higher levels — like the 95th percentile or the 99th percentile — the gender gap is high and growing as you go to higher and higher levels of performance, which is not so good. We see a much higher gender gap at these higher levels of performance than we see even at the, say, SAT 800 level. At the highest levels of performance, we observe in our data the gender gap is about 10-to-1. This is something we’ve observed looking at just 2007. This is just a snapshot of data. We speculated that this is something we can track over time, so that’s what we were trying to get at in this paper. Is this something that evolves over time? If so, how does it evolve over time?

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