Techno-News Blog

September 27, 2018

President Speaks: Staying high-touch in a high-tech college world

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By George Hagerty, Education Dive
George Hagerty is the president of Beacon College in Leesburg, Florida.  For many of us, our enthusiastic embrace of the latest technological conveniences has moved from “shiny-new-thing” novelty to indispensable daily companion: a sure harbinger of the growing role artificial intelligence will play in our lives.  It can be argued that few sectors have been more disrupted or transformed by technology than higher education — given our dual responsibilities as both transmitters and creators of knowledge. But when conversations on campus inevitably turn to the acquisition and application of new technology — deliberations further complicated by strategic purposes, cost implications and political overtones — we must safeguard against mistaking electronic-based systems as ends unto themselves, in favor of what they are: tools to benefit the delivery and quality of instruction and services.

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