Techno-News Blog

June 18, 2018

eLearning for Refugees: Three Programs Making a Difference

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:27 am

by Cate Ethington, eLearning Inside

On June 20th, the United Nations will mark World Refugee Day. According to the United Nations, over 65 million people worldwide are now living as refugees. Millions of these refugees are children under 18 and many more are people in their late teens to mid-twenties who, under other conditions, would be enrolled in university. To address the growing need for flexible forms of education, eLearning continues to be brought to refugee camps around the world. As we prepare for World Refugee Day 2018, eLearning Inside News takes a look at just some of the organizations currently engaged in offering eLearning for refugees.

eLearning for Refugees: Three Programs Making a Difference

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