by Shalina Chatlani, Education Dive
During a visit to Education Dive’s office Tuesday, Fielding Graduate University President Katrina Rogers and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Orlando Taylor said college administrators must enhance students’ access to the STEM pipeline while looking ahead toward jobs of the future to determine what types of skills students may need. Taylor said college leaders should be thinking about “a new kind of America in the global context,” asking forward-looking questions like “what does a scientist look like?” and “what types of problems in your community would you like to see solved?” He also said administrators need to consider how to get answers from diverse perspectives to drive research and student goals in positive ways. Rogers said leaders must ponder what types of jobs may develop as automation gains steam, with particular emphasis on the kinds of tasks only humans can perform. Skills like thinking critically, working collaboratively and showing empathy will always require a human touch, and the onus is on higher ed leaders to help students develop those traits alongside technical skills.
December 30, 2017
Is your institution preparing students for future-forward jobs?
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