Techno-News Blog

August 25, 2017

OER Disrupting Textbook Marketplace

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:26 am
By Denise Wydra, Inside Higher Ed
The $8 million, which will be split between the State University of New York and City University of New York systems, will go to continued efforts to use completely different learning materials from a completely different source: open educational resources.
The big excitement hovering around OER is usually because they can be far less expensive than traditional publisher-supplied materials — or even free. In most cases, they can also be adapted more easily than traditionally copyrighted materials, but it’s the “less-expensive” part that is so alluring to the state of New York. The hope is that by using OER, the cost of not only tuition but also course materials can be greatly reduced — and not just for Excelsior students, but for every student. Most likely change won’t happen for all courses, all at once. Early efforts will probably be focused on the big introductory courses where inexpensive textbooks could lighten the burden for the largest number of students.
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