Techno-News Blog

April 26, 2016

Education Leaders Need to Bridge the Digital Use Divide

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

BY TANYA ROSCORLA, Center for Digital Ed

National ed tech leader Joseph South emphasized the importance of shifting schools away from passive to active technology use. The digital divide receives a lot of attention because it separates those who have technology from those who don’t. But another divide exists that puts some students at a disadvantage: the digital use divide. This divide makes includes active technology use on one side and passive technology use on the other side. Schools across the country need to start providing more learning opportunities for students to create and collaborate with technology instead of just using it to consume information, said Joseph South, acting director of the Office of Educational Technology in the U.S. Department of Education. “It’s not enough to have the connectivity; it’s not enough to have the smartphones,” South said.

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