Techno-News Blog

June 30, 2016

Technology key to university branding strategies

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By Jarrett Carter, Education Dive

eCampus News lays out three strategies to promote a successful branding campaign; digital archives and delivery systems are key for schools that want to expanding quality branding in recruitment, retention and community outreach. Building strong visual identity begins with feedback and support from campus stakeholders, and must be enforced with firm rules on presentation and usage. Making logos and marks accessible is critical to a successful branding campaign. Maintaining updated photo repositories and breaking down bureaucracy in securing these tools encourages institutional buy-in and support for branding guidelines.

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Higher ed requires drastic changes to remain competitive for students

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By Jarrett Carter, Education Dive

More than 50 million Americans owe student loan debt, a number that exceeds the amount of people receiving benefits for Social Security and Medicaid. Demographics suggest the U.S. population is increasingly older and earns a lower median income than it did 10 years ago — a reality that clashes directly with increasing college costs across the country. Not only that, but the population is also shifting from the traditionally white, affluent male student population many schools are used to recruiting and educating to a broader cross-section of the country’s actual population. Competency-based instruction, predictive analytics and online education delivery are the keys to reducing costs and improving student outcomes in the 21st century.

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Law Schools Are Going Online to Reach New Students

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Law schools, in the face of marked declines in enrollment, revenue and jobs for graduates, are beginning to adopt innovative new ways of delivering legal education. Some law schools are moving away from relying solely on classic settings and instead are blending classroom learning with online instruction, said Michael B. Horn, a founder of the Clayton Christensen Institute, a research institution in San Mateo, Calif., that explores disruptive innovation in education. “Legal education is confronting the most imminent threat in higher education,” Mr. Horn said. “Law schools are increasingly out of step with shifts in the legal services market.”

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June 29, 2016

Aaron Sorkin to Teach Online Course on Screenwriting

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by Todd Spangler, Yahoo!

For $90, Aaron Sorkin will share his tricks of the screenwriting trade. Sorkin, scribe of such films such as “A Few Good Men,” “Steve Jobs” and “The Social Network” and TV shows including “The West Wing” and “The Newsroom,” will provide more than 25 video lessons through online-education startup MasterClass later this summer. The course — the first for the award-winning screenwriter — will also include a 30-page workbook and interactive assignments. “There’s a great tradition of writers from one generation giving a hand to the next group coming up — a tradition I got a lot of benefit from,” Sorkin said in a statement. “I think new screenwriters will come away from the MasterClass with a new sense of confidence.”

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Why you can’t discuss online learning without discussing video accessibility; but what’s really required?

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by Justin Beck, eCampus News

With nearly 1 in 5 Americans classified as having a disability, according to the 2010 census, and 13 percent of all public school students receiving special education services, accessibility is more important to educational institutions than ever before. While procedures for handling traditional materials have been well established for some time, higher ed educators’ increased reliance on video for lecture capture, supplemental materials, distance and online learning, and more is bringing the issue of video accessibility standards to the forefront. The key to accessible videos is captioning: 99 percent accurate captions, using a 508-compliant video player optimized for accessibility, make it possible for people with hearing, visual, and motor impairments to use video materials. But adding captions to an entire library of video materials can be daunting. How necessary is it?

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Bay Area Organizations Help Refugees Access Free, Online Educations

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by CBS San Francisco

Bay Area organizationsare helping refugees access free, online educational courses through Coursera via Stanford University, the University of California, and other major universities around the world. In an effort to increase access to education for refugees and non-profit organizations that serve refugee populations, Mountain View-based, launched the Coursera for Refugees program on Monday, in honor of World Refugee Day. Globally, a record 65.3 million people were displaced from their homes by persecution and conflict in 2015, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Coursera, a for-profit, venture capital-backed provider of onlinecourses, is now offering thousands of courses to refugees, as well as specialized courses such as English for Business and Entrepreneurship via the University of Pennsylvania, Career Success via the University of California, Irvine and Python for Everybody via the University of Michigan.

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June 28, 2016

No more classroom, no more books: Hazelwood Elementary takes wireless learning outdoors

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By Jeremy Eaton, CBC News

Hazelwood Elementary will move some of its classes outside in September thanks to new technology recently installed at the St. John’s school. On Monday morning, teachers and students at Hazelwood launched their wireless outdoor classroom. “It’s a very special day,” said principal Dale Lambe. “One of our teachers had the idea that, not only could we construct an outdoor classroom but make it more accessible for all and make it more appealing for learners in the 21st century.” Most of the total cost of about $18,000 came from government funding and construction took about a week. Using wireless Internet and tablets, students will be able to use apps to study nature and the school’s outdoor surroundings.
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Study examines why students choose for-profit education

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By Jarrett Carter, Education Dive

More than two million students are enrolled in for-profit schools. These students tend to be older, minority students from low-income families with low levels of educational attainment. Typically divided into three categories, for-profit schools enrolled more than 11% of students in enterprises colleges, super systems or internet institutions at the height of their success, but have fallen to just over 9% in recent years. A field study of students at Millennium College revealed executive transparency was a major challenge, but in-person instruction and the fostered accountability and maturity among students was viewed as an asset of the blended online and in-person school structure.

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Coursera, State Department Launch Online Classes For Asylum-Seekers

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BY JULIA GLUM, International Business Times

Refugees trying to start their lives over in new places are about to have a whole host of new learning opportunities. The U.S. State Department announced Monday a collaboration with the free education site Coursera aimed at helping recent transplants access more than 1,000 massive open online courses, nicknamed MOOCs, according to a news release. The program appeared to be live Monday morning at Timed to launch on World Refugee Day, the initiative is intended to give refugees a chance to gain “important skills that will help them in the global economy,” Evan Ryan, assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs, told reporters on a press call last week, Quartz reported. Nonprofits around the world can apply to Coursera to get fee waivers that will fund refugees’ participation in MOOCs, which are run by institutions like Stanford University.

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Robots won’t replace teachers because they can’t inspire us

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But artificial intelligence is coming to colleges in some form, Coursera president Daphne Koller says. Artificial intelligence is going to change everything in every industry. Right? Not so fast, says Coursera president and co-founder Daphne Koller. Her education company markets itself as being ahead of technological disruption, but even it isn’t so sure AI can do everything that a human college professor can do. “Instructors are valuable, first of all, in creating the content. That’s really important,” Koller said in an interview with Recode’s Kara Swisher on the latest episode of Recode Decode. “But I also think it’s important to have someone there to answer the really challenging questions if you really get stuck. And also, people will tell you that one of the most inspirational experiences they’ve had, that have often shaped their life, is someone who’s been a really inspirational teacher.”

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June 27, 2016

Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners

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by Lucia Maffei, Tech Crunch

Google wants more people to learn to program — especially for its Android platform. While the company already offered a few programming courses, they were typically geared toward students with at least some rudimentary programming experience. Starting today, the Google Android Basics Nanodegree class is available on the online learning platform Udacity. It’s the first Android nanodegree class designed by Google for people with no programming experience at all. “Google, in partnership with Udacity, is making Android development accessible and understandable to everyone, so that regardless of your background, you can learn to build apps that improve the lives of people around you,” Shanea King-Roberson, program manager at Google, said in a blog post.

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The U.S. State Department and Coursera Offer Free Online Courses to Refugees

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by EdSurge

Coursera has announced the launch of Coursera for Refugees in partnership with the U.S. Department of State. The initiative lets refugees and nonprofits supporting them apply for financial aid to access Coursera’s library of online courses. Coursera is not the first to offer a MOOC-for-refugees program—edX stepped into this space in February—but it is the first to partner with the State Department, which will provide in-person facilitation at embassies and consulates and help identify partner organizations currently supporting refugee communities. In 2013, the State Department announced its MOOC Camp initiative, hosted at U.S. embassies and consulates around the world, partnering with Coursera as a Global Learning Hub. Coursera for Refugees continues this partnership, potentially enabling refugees to build career skills to find employment as now any nonprofit (501(c)(3) or international equivalent can apply for at least one year of comprehensive group financial aid.

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Adaptive Learning Holds Promise for the Future of Higher Education

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by Education Dive

As an educational model, differentiated instruction has been around since the time of Socrates. As a method of providing a classroom of students, often with differing abilities, instruction based on individual aptitudes for learning, it has been an effective alternative to repetitive rote memorization that is still widely practiced in many countries around the world. Today, with the widespread availability of new learning software and platforms, differentiated instruction can take on a revolutionary role under the guise of adaptive learning, and it could alter our thinking about education and the way students learn. Supporters of adaptive learning say it could be the answer to what has become now known as the ‘iron triangle’ of education’s biggest challenges: cost, access, and quality.

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June 26, 2016

Internet of Things, Machine Learning & Robotics Are High Priorities For Developers In 2016

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by Louis Columbus, Forbes

56.4% of developers are building robotics apps today.

45% of developers say that Internet of Things (IoT) development is critical to their overall digital strategy.

56.4% of developers are building robotics apps today.

45% of developers say that Internet of Things (IoT) development is critical to their overall digital strategy.

27.4% of all developers are building apps in the cloud today.

24.7% are using machine learning for development projects.

These and many other insights are from the Evans Data Corporation Global Development Survey, Volume 1 (PDF, client access) published earlier this month. The methodology was based on interviews with developers actively creating new applications with the latest technologies.

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Coursera president Daphne Koller: Your old college diploma isn’t good enough for the 21st century economy

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A college degree, per the old conventional wisdom, was your ticket to a career of better work and higher pay. That may still be true, but the digital economy demands ever more, Coursera president and co-founder Daphne Koller said on the newest episode of Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher. Coursera’s pitch to students is that education should last a lifetime and that it’s too big a risk for them to stop learning new skills in their 20s. “The things you learned in college 15 years ago are no longer the skills that you need for your next job,” Koller said. “Millennials today are expected to change jobs something like every three years. The job that they need next is going to have a completely different skillset than the job that they previously had.”

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Worldwide Smartphone Sales to Grow at Slower Pace in 2016

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By Richard Chang, THE Journal

Global smartphone sales will continue to grow, but not in the double digits anymore, according to market research firm Gartner. Smartphone sales are expected to grow 7 percent worldwide in 2016 and reach 1.5 billion units. That is significantly down from 14.4 percent growth in 2015, but it’s still substantial growth, equating to a new smartphone for one out of every five human beings on the Earth. In 2010, smartphone sales hit their highest growth, at 73 percent, Gartner said. In 2020, smartphone sales are on pace to total 1.9 billion units. “The smartphone market will no longer grow at the levels it has reached over the last seven years,” said Roberta Cozza, research director at Gartner, in a prepared statement.

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June 25, 2016

College Board and Khan Academy ‘revolutionising’ student learning in US

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by Rebecca Marriage, Relocate Global

As students in the US receive their SAT test results, the university preparation association, the College Board and online learning platform, the Khan Academy are celebrating an unparalleled online learning uptake by the nation’s students. Enlisting the help of the hugely successful and free online learning platform for school-age children, the Khan Academy, the College Board has developed interactive practice tools to create a tailored online learning experience to help students prepare for the test. Going live almost exactly a year ago, the College Board and Khan Academy have seen more than 1.4 million unique users take up the ‘Official SAT practice’ program online. The program is free to use and, says the College Board, is reaching students, ”across race, ethnicities, and income levels.” But, most importantly, the results of tests issued to students by the College Board are then communicated with the Khan Academy and students receive personal study recommendations.

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Get Set Up to Succeed in an Online Degree Program

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By Joe Chapman, US News

Understanding the number of credits required for completing your online degree gives you a goal and end date to work toward. Before beginning classes, explore your access to student resources, like digital libraries and online tutoring. Once you have chosen your online degree program, you may be uncertain about how to now ensure your success. You may not even know what steps to take next. Perhaps you are also worried about how you will manage your online studies while juggling everyday life. However, fear not. There are a few easy steps you can take to ensure you are prepared to start your online degree program.

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Colorado startup seeks to track online learning

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by Caitlin Hendee, Colorado Business Journal

When Nicholas Garvin applied for a position at electric-car maker Tesla Motors in 2012, he felt there was really no good way to represent all the knowledge he had in the auto industry. ” We invented the Stackup tool to categorize and score everything you read online,” Garvin said. Stackup is a web application and smart browser extension that currently works with Google Chrome that can be used to track users’ engagement on any given website. Engagement is then scored to provide insight into the time people spend learning on the web. The app is currently gaining steam in the education industry. Several teachers in both the Aurora Public Schools and Denver Public Schools are using it in their classrooms to create assignments asking students to spend time learning on the web.

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June 24, 2016

New report outlines how the wearables market is set to grow through 2020

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by eCampus News

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the “Global Classroom Wearables Technology Market 2016-2020” report to their offering. The report forecasts the global classroom wearables technology market to grow at a CAGR of 36.57 percent during the period 2016-2020. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from sales of classroom wearables technology devices such as smart glasses, smart watches, fitness trackers, wearable cameras and VR head gears.

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Trend: Online learning going personal

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Personalized support and advising achieved through new advances in technology and data analytics are all recommended for helping today’s online students. In a recent online learning panel, innovative institutions that have achieved measurable success in their online learning programs waxed poetic on how harnessing technology to bolster personalized learning experiences is the key to online learning’s success; specifically in helping students advance toward their educational goals and create a culture of success. The panel was part of a recent webinar hosted by The New Media Consortium (NMC) called “Getting Personal,” and featured insight from college and university IT and technology leaders on how advancements in online learning environments and adaptive learning technologies are making it possible to support learners’ individual paths.

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