Techno-News Blog

June 30, 2010

Tech specs confuse gadget buyers

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by the BBC

Which? found laptops labelled Bluray but without in-built Bluray drives Labels containing technology specifications and jargon are “misleading people buying new electronic devices” claims Which? In many cases, the statistics of different brands are not comparable, says the consumer watchdog group. Shops can add to the confusion by not understanding the significance of the labels either, according to the Which? report.

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Apple issues advice to avoid iPhone flaw

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by the BBC

Apple has released official advice for iPhone 4 owners to overcome the problem of the device losing signal when held by the lower left corner. Steve Jobs responded to a query about the problem from one owner by saying: “Just avoid holding it in that way.” The official advice is to “avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band”.

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BBC Trust approves Project Canvas

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by the BBC

The BBC has been given the go-ahead for a project which could kick-start demand for internet TV. Project Canvas is a partnership between the BBC, ITV, BT, Five, Channel 4 and TalkTalk to develop a so-called Internet Protocol Television standard. The BBC Trust – the corporation’s governing body – made its decision after extensive consultation.

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June 29, 2010

IT Management: Top IT Worker Salary Averages by Location, Experience

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By Don E. Sears, eWeek

Are you interested to see how your IT salary measures up to your colleagues around the country? Here, eWEEK looks at the average base salary data in five different segments of experience for nine major U.S. cities known to be major technology job hubs. The data for this presentation came from, a rate and review career comparison site empowered by the anonymous participation of employees of large U.S. companies. The data provides a snapshot for comparison that could be weighed against cost of living data and other important relocation information. Don’t walk into a job interview without doing your salary homework.

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Ten Geeky Gadgets Everyone Should Have

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By Don Reisinger, eWeek

When it comes to technology, it’s not all serious. Yes, the iPhone might be big business, but there are some gadgets that any geek who loves function and fun should have. They won’t necessarily generate the kind of sales that Apple or Microsoft enjoy, but they effectively achieve the same function as those companies’ products: usability. Finding 10 useful yet geeky gadgets that veer off the traditional product path is difficult. There are simply too few useful products amid all the junk. But luckily, not only will the following 10 products be worth showing off to friends, but they will be ideal for those who want to achieve a bit more functionality in their lives. Even better, the majority of these products are quite cheap. Here is what they look like.

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YouTube Streams 14.6B Videos, 100 Videos Viewed Per User

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By Clint Boulton, eWeek

YouTube users watched 14.6 billion videos for the month of May, an all-time high for the Website that accounted for 43.1 percent of all videos viewed online, comScore said June 23. YouTube’s growth shows that its popularity hasn’t waned despite a tense, three-year legal battle with Viacom, which sued the video-sharing site for copyright infringement. This also paves the way for YouTube to ramp its video ad plans, which have evolved over the last three years from simple in-video advertising to paid video contracts.

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June 28, 2010

Tracking Technology Salaries by City, Experience

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by Don E. Sears, eWeek, a Website that allows employees to anonymously publish and share salaries, job titles and other IT management information, has published new salary data for technology jobs in nine major U.S. cities based on experience and location. Some of the variations might surprise you. What you earn in technology depends on where you live.

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Tablets to ‘cannibalize’ netbook market

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Sarah Griffiths, Turning the tables

Forrester Research has predicted the tablet PC form-factor, as exemplified by the Apple iPad, will continue to grow in popularity, but that this will be to the detriment of netbook, rather than full notebook, sales. The firm believes almost a quarter of all PCs sold to consumers in the US will be tablets by 2015, in preference to the currently popular netbook. The report, ‘US Consumer PC Market In 2015′ says growth will come from new technology such as tablets, yet also predicts laptop sales will continue to increase.

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Goodbye computer mouse, keyboard and monitor

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by John D. Sutter, CNN

Say hello to a new, simpler era of human-computer interaction — this time, with no clunky hardware standing between you and digital information. In this new world, there are options aplenty. Instead of sliding a mouse across your desk, you could just point at whatever you’d like to select. Instead of pecking away at a keyboard, you could just say what you’re thinking. And instead of glaring at a big screen all day, why not just project that information on the surface of your contact lenses?

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June 27, 2010

Apple, Google duopoly reigns for now

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By Scott Shuey, Gulf News Online

A little over two years ago, I had the bright idea to write about the newest websites coming online. This was back in the day when Facebook and MySpace were still fighting for users, Twitter was just making its way into the UAE, and you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone who had just developed a website to stream music. It was the heyday of Web 2.0, and if nothing else, it was a great time to be involved in developing new technology. Boy, are those days over. Today, it’s all about apps. If you want to see the latest in technology, you’re not going to find it now on your computer, but on your mobile phone.

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New 3-D Imaging Technology Draws Attention Of Rock Stars And Hollywood

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by Iowa State University, Photonics Online

William Lohry took a seat before a projector-camera combination and offered his best smile. And there, on a nearby computer monitor, was a perfect, but colorless, 3-D image of every line, contour and movement on the face of the senior chemical engineering major from Sioux City. It was like a moving mask, digitally and exactly executed. Song Zhang, an Iowa State University assistant professor of mechanical engineering, remembers the reaction when he first showed his imaging technology to a scientific conference in 2004: “They were shocked by this technology.”

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Samsung to ship 512GB SSD utilizing new NAND technology

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By Paul Mah, Fierce CIO

Samsung plans to ship the first solid-state drives (SSD) for laptops and PCs using what is called toggle-mode DDR NAND next month. Toggle-mode DDR NAND allows for much faster performance compared to traditional NAND. According to consulting and market research specialist, Forward Insights, standard NAND interface offers only 40Mbps performance, while toggle mode DDR2 NAND can achieve rates of 200Mbps.

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June 26, 2010

Studies: Digital Technology Creating New Addictions

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by the Boston Channel

If you are awake you are probably online, texting or talking on a digital device. Many people think of technology as a lifeline. “Without my phone, I’ll go crazy. I’ll die,” said one young woman texting on her cell phone. But could our digital attraction actually be a digital addiction? Gary Briggs, a store owner and device aficionado, wondered. “I could put it down if I have to, but I’m not going to put it down today. So maybe I am in denial and maybe I can’t live without it,” said Briggs.

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Technology weather forecast: Cloudy, and that’s a good thing

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by Paul Hillman for Business Review

There is one computer technology, and only one, that is or should be on everyone’s lips right now: cloud computing. Cloud computing is Internet-based, on-demand, cost-reducing, remote computing that doesn’t require an investment in on-site servers and data centers. I just had a conversation with a big exec from Microsoft, three down from the top, about how one of the major corporations in America is reinventing itself into a cloud-services-based organization. Whether it’s Microsoft or Google or Amazon or IBM, every major corporation is rethinking the entire landscape as it relates to computers.

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Sealing Deals in Virtual Space

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If I tell you I’m about to talk about video conferencing, many of you will want to click “next.” I know: you’re thinking, that’s so 1964 World’s Fair. Hear me out. New technologies that rely on broadband Internet have so improved the video conference experience that even major companies doing major deals are sealing them in virtual space. That means less airline travel and fewer of the greenhouse gas emissions that scientists say are warming the planet. By some calculations, a single long-haul air flight can have a greater warming effect than commuting daily to work by car for a year.

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June 25, 2010

Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Force is with sequels

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by the Christian Science Monitor

The video-game industry is in a slump that might be reversed by new technology – 3D games, for example. But it’s hard to argue with the industry’s tried-and-true formula for generating continued sales: sequels and still more sequels. The latest entry to gain attention is “Star Wars: The Old Republic,” which gamemaker BioWare showed off Monday at the E3 2010 video-game show in Los Angeles. The game, which is expected to be launched in 2011, takes up the Star Wars story about three centuries after BioWare’s earlier series of games, “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic,” and long before the Star Wars movies.

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Small Business Owners Increasingly Turning To Web For Technology Purposes

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by Resources for Entrepreneurs

The new report by AMI Partners found that U.S small business are increasingly logging onto the internet for their information technology purchases. The report says that because computers and printers are already so prevalent in the U.S., most users are looking for a replacement product and not trying to understand an entirely new technology. That familiarity leads to a reduction in the need to try things out in a retail store. The report also says that many resellers have shifted away from offering traditional hardware products because they don’t provide as good of a profit margin.

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Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

June 17th saw the launch of a new concept in video gaming when OnLive launches its new cloud gaming service, an event that could present fresh business models in online gambling. The Palo Alto-based startup will be charging $4.95 a month to subscribers in the hope of quickly building a membership base, and thanks to one of its investors – AT&T – a one year subscription to OnLive’s service will be offered free for the first month to those who register. The 25,000 beta testers who put the cloud-gaming service through its paces in extensive pre-launch testing will receive a free game to go with a one year free membership.

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June 24, 2010

What CEOs Expect from CIOs

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by Richard Pastore, Computerworld

CEOs want CIOs who know their industries, think like customers and can envision new business opportunities.  A new generation of CEOs-not in age but in perspective-has embraced the notion of CIOs as strategic business peers. These CEOs compete in a world of massive complexity and global interdependency. Their companies engage with customers using technology, and social media is becoming pervasive.

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Microsoft Develop new 3D Screen Technology

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by Matthew, Gadget Venue

The glasses-less 3D screens require that you sit in a specific place to get the 3D effect. When you move your head the effect disappears. There are actually a few points in a room where people might sit to get the effect. Either way, it’s awkward having to sit still for so long and not a very friendly to watch the TV with friends. Microsoft might have the answer though with some new technology it is working on that has the ability to direct the light in to viewers eyes wherever they are sitting in the room. The system uses LEDs along the bottom edge of the screen that can vary the angles at which the light is sent to the viewer. The screen is capable of delivering 3D content to two different viewers by tracking their eyes with a camera mounted on or near the screen. The LED’s then adjust to point the light in the right direction. Previous versions were bulky, but Microsoft [MSFT] have managed to shrink the system down a little.

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The unrealized promise of whiteboards

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by Daniel Willingham, the Washington Post

What is perhaps most remarkable in this story is that enormous sums of money are being spent on this (and other) technologies without correspondingly thorough and thoughtful professional development. In many districts, the technologies have simply been plopped into teachers’ classrooms with minimal or no support. Little wonder that they are not being used as effectively as they could be.

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