Techno-News Blog

December 28, 2014

Instructor Utilization Of Podcasts In The Online Learning Environment

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:18 am

by Supawan Supanakorn-Davila and Doris U. Bolliger, JOLT

The utilization of podcasts in online learning environments has become common in higher education. The study examined how instructors used podcasts to deliver instructional material and instructors’ experiences with the use of podcasts in online courses. Twenty-five instructors who taught fully online courses at a research university in the United States completed the Instructional Use of Podcasts Survey. Instructors utilized different file types for a variety of purposes in their courses. Instructors shared several benefits and issues pertaining to podcast use in online teaching. Results provide the field with a better understanding of instructors’ use of podcasts and offer guidance to those who may consider the utilization of podcasts in online courses.

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