Techno-News Blog

March 27, 2013

Big data needs people, leaders and real-time analytics

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:19 am

by Jordan Novet, GigaOM

Despite the much-discussed power of data, there are roles for people to play in big data projects. Data increasingly influences companies’ decision making processes, but several speakers hit on the notion that people should be involved in big data storage and analysis. It all starts with a human question. Before machines generate answers, employees from many departments should feel empowered to ask good questions of data, said John Sotham, vice president of finance at BuildDirect. Beyond questions, humans need to decide which algorithms to employ and which data to use to answer questions, said Scott Brave, founder and chief technology officer of Baynote. In data science, machine use algorithms to make decisions with clean data for the sake of prediction and optimization, said Sean Gurley, chief technology officer of Quid. But in “data intelligence,” humans “create, change and shape the world we’re in” using small sets of messy data, he explained.

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