Techno-News Blog

November 25, 2012

Google Game Could Be Augmented Reality’s First Killer App

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

By Rachel Metz, Technology Review

I found the game, which is currently available only to Android smartphone users who have received an invitation to play, surprisingly addictive—especially considering my usual apathy for gaming. What’s most interesting about Ingress, though, is what it suggests about Google’s future plans, which seem to revolve around finding new ways to extend its reach from the browser on your laptop to the devices you carry with you at all times. The goal makes plenty of sense when you consider that traditional online advertising—Google’s bread and butter—could eventually be eclipsed by mobile, location-based advertising. Ingress was created by a group within Google called Niantic Labs—the same team behind another location-based app released recently (see “Should You Go on Google’s Field Trip?”). Google is surely gathering a treasure trove of information about where we’re going and what we’re doing while we play Ingress.

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