Techno-News Blog

June 25, 2012

A Side-View Mirror without a Blind Spot

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

by David Zax, Technology Review

A professor of mathematics at Drexel University has designed a side-view mirror that could eliminate the “blind spot.” The only problem? Regulations would prevent it from being directly integrated in the production of cars sold in the United States. The mirror was invented by Andrew Hicks, and awarded a patent last month. The mirror strikes an optimal middle ground between flat mirrors (the ones on the driver’s side) that don’t distort objects, and curved mirrors, which present a wider field of view but cause distortion. Hick’s mirror gives something of the best of both worlds: a wider field of view with little distortion. (It remains true, though, that objects in Hicks’s mirror are closer than they appear.)

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