Techno-News Blog

May 25, 2018

Google Duplex beat the Turing test: Are we doomed?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By David Gewirtz, ZD Net

Google’s new Duplex AI sounds human, with stammers, pauses, and all. It could be a useful addition to Google Assistant or the harbinger of something much more dark and worrisome. Two years before his death, Turing was thinking about the relationship between human and computer intelligence. Today, that concept is part of everyday life, as AI permeates everything from GPS to video games to the behavior of apps on our phones. Back then, the idea that a device the size of a house designed to break codes could, someday, imitate human intelligence was about as far thinking as you could get. Turing not only understood and pioneered the idea of AI, but created some metrics by which we could judge whether we’d actually gotten to the point where AI was intelligent.

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