Online Learning Update

August 31, 2010

Using VoiceThread to Give Students an Online Learning Voice Outside the Classroom

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

By Prof. Hacker Guest Shannon Polchow, Chronicle of Higher Ed

Just like most educators, I view teaching as a process. After incorporating a new activity or giving a new course, I reflect upon the outcomes. What went well? What failed? Sometimes I know the modifications I would make the next time around, but other times I look to my student evaluations for guidance. This recently happened after teaching an introductory Spanish class online. While I felt that the class had gone well, a student’s simple observation led me to my latest modification: find a way for students interact with one another in an online setting. The online forum I employed enabled me to speak in an asynchronous fashion with my students, but it did not allow them to communicate with one another, leaving them isolated, alone in cyberspace to work on their assignments with no personal interaction. The comment sent me knocking on my friendly technology consultant’s door, and together we found a simple solution: VoiceThread.

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