Online Learning Update

November 4, 2013

University of Michigan Offers Free Healthcare Reform Course Online

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:09 am


A University of Michigan professor of medicine and public policy is now offering an online class that shares the basic principles that have been used in shaping health care policy over the last several decades. Doctor Matthew Davis says there is a lot of information out about healthcare reform and people feel very strongly on the issue. Davis explains, the course is designed so anyone should be able to fit it into their schedule. Adding that he’s offered classes in health care before in either the medical school or the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy, but this online class is a chance to offer the class to a much broader group of people. People interested in cutting through all the information and misinformation about healthcare reform can turn to an online class from the University of Michigan. U of M is offering a free online class to help everyone get a better understanding of US health care reforms.

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