Online Learning Update

October 18, 2013

Tailored online learning is the future

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by Dror Ben-Naim, Financial Review

Just as Google and Facebook let advertisers tailor their messages based on our online behaviour, the same type of technology is now promising to radically restructure education by making learning personal. In the future, every student will have their own digitised, lifelong learning profile that will record their skills, knowledge and credentials. It will travel with them through school, university, and onto their professional development during their career. Such profiles will be continuously constructed from early childhood as students go through online learning experiences at school or at home – while learning, doing assignments or taking exams. These profiles will make it possible for education providers to deliver personalised and adaptive instruction to each learner, throughout their lifetime – a bit like having your own digital private tutor. On the flip side, they will also help employers align with job-seekers as digital profiles of skills, certifications and qualifications are easy to aggregate, search, and match.

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