Online Learning Update

January 13, 2013

Distance online learning an Air University priority

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

by Donovan Jackson, Air University Public Affairs

As the new year unfolds, technological advancements combined with traditional learning methods are continuing to be applied at Maxwell, which will assist in the advancement of Airmen education. Emerging technologies permit Maxwell the ability to utilize new software in a way that can speed the process of Airmen education while saving money and making learning more efficient. “The utilization of technologies that present a substantial positive impact on distance learning while influencing a more cost conscious culture are already being implemented at Maxwell and Gunter,” said Dr. Bruce Murphy, vice president for academic affairs. “There is technology out there that is making education and the learning process different than what it was 15 years ago, and we are simply trying to take advantage of it. “According to Murphy, by observing some of the technological advancements made in higher education around the country, it is imperative to take advantage of what is new and already available in order to prevent from falling behind. Air University has always engaged in different forms of distance learning with students by sending books to people for correspondence programs, but, according to Murphy, with new technology education can be “quicker, better and more robust.”

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