Online Learning Update

October 28, 2019

Tufts Study Shows Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for IPE Training

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

Fred Donovan, HIT Infrastructure
A new study by Tufts University School of Medicine has demonstrated the effectiveness of using a virtual reality platform to provide interprofessional education (IPE) in palliative care for healthcare staff and students. The Tufts researchers employed a series of pre- and post-session surveys to determine the efficacy of virtual reality in promoting cooperation among participants on palliative care. The researchers found that the virtual reality approach to IPE for palliative care was convenient and enjoyable for participants. They said they appreciated the virtual experience of the symptoms of their patient, demonstrated by an enhanced sense of empathy in their post-session surveys, and the freedom to practice anonymously without worrying about hurting a patient or making mistakes during the educational process.

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