Online Learning Update

September 2, 2012

Online Learning: School’s Out, Forever – edX

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Chris Vogel, Boston Magazine

A new online education program from Harvard and MIT is poised to transform what it means to go to college. The idea behind MITx is to offer a full class on the Internet, taught by a tenured professor, complete with video lectures, tutorials, and graded assignments. Anyone can sign up, for free. At a time when tuition and fees at private universities are averaging more than $28,000, that price has attracted a lot of interest. And the MIT project is actually part of a movement. In the past year a new wave of education startups have been pushing the radical notion that knowledge is important, but a diploma isn’t. Whether it’s computer programming or corporate communications, goes the thinking, an expert understanding of the subject is far more important to an employer than a college transcript.

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