Online Learning Update

August 6, 2019

Deep learning is about to get easier — and more widespread

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:07 am

BEN DICKSON, Venture Beat

We’ve seen a big push in recent months to solve AI’s “big data problem.” And some interesting breakthroughs have begun to emerge that could make AI accessible to many more businesses and organizations. What is the big data problem? It’s the challenge of getting enough data to enable deep learning, a very popular and promising AI technique that allows machines to find relationships and patterns in data by themselves. (For example, after being fed many images of cats, a deep learning program could create its own definition of what constitutes ‘cat’ and use that to identify future images as either ‘cat’ or ‘not cat’. If you change ‘cat’ to ‘customer,’ you can see why many companies are eager to test-drive this technology.)

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