Online Learning Update

March 25, 2019

Why AI needs more women

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

Kim Nilsson, Forbes

How can we make data more human, if as a human race we cannot even agree on what it is to be human? How do we ensure algorithms work fairly when we cannot agree on what fairness looks like? Role models are vitally important in showing girls and women that they too can work in data science and that this career choice is an option for them. I, like many others, struggle to answer this but what I do know is that giving up is not an option and that we need to make a concerted effort as an industry to make our technology work as well as it can for as many people as possible. There is an urgent need to ensure that AI systems do not discriminate inappropriately against any individual or group. If only certain groups of people build the technology then it is highly likely that discrimination will happen, even if the discrimination is not intentional.

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