Online Learning Update

March 23, 2012

Online Learning: Reflective Teaching for Librarians

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Char Booth, American Libraries

Mirroring the best practices of colleagues—while adding your own pedagogical tweaks to the mix—is what moves the profession forward. Most librarians are educators in one sense or another, even when the role is not explicit. The best teachers learn from others and learn by doing. This is a good rule for improving at virtually anything: Seeking inspiration and accepting criticism makes your work richer and more well rounded. Many of the ideas I present here I first observed among friends and teachers whose methods I admired or whose recommendations led me to a new approach or tool. Through mentorship, coteaching, professional organizations, online forums, and other channels, I have expanded my own method base and gained a clearer perspective on my impact as a communicator and designer.

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