Online Learning Update

January 24, 2012

An Online Learning eTextbook Apple for the Professor?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:08 am

By Dean Dad, Inside Higher Ed

Apple’s latest foray into the education market caught my eye. It’s promising, but I can’t get past some sticking points. As I understand it — and I don’t claim to fully get it — Apple is making several moves. It’s releasing a software package for prospective authors, to make it easier to format books to sell on ibooks. It’s partnering with several of the major textbook publishers to issue ipad-only versions of textbooks in several basic courses, complete with interactive bells and whistles. And it’s making available about 100 courses from name-brand universities, though it’s not entirely clear just what “making available” means just yet. It sounds like more than just podcasts of lectures, but how much more isn’t obvious.

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