Online Learning Update

January 20, 2012

Online learning instruction teaches on students’ own time

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Stacie Spring, AFN

As more and more students take online university or college courses, professors, the universities that employ them, and the makers of the lecture video software find it increasingly necessary to make those classes as easily accessible to their students as possible. “Online instruction gives non-traditional students, usually people with full- or part-time jobs, to increase their education on their own time,” said Kristin Zurovitch, product marketing manager for Sonic Foundry, the makers of Mediasite. “The next logical step is providing that on any device they need.” At Arizona State University, where about 450 master’s degree students – taking about 750 courses a year – in the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering take classes entirely online, providing them with a relevant education is a top priority, said Octavio Heredia, associative director of global outreach and extended education at the engineering school.

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