Online Learning Update

April 11, 2018

How my university is disrupting higher education

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

Disruption in higher education needs to happen everywhere, from admissions processes to business practices to the way we teach and assess.  If higher education is a ship, it has struck an iceberg. It’s taking on water rapidly, and while the situation is urgent, many people on board simply refuse to acknowledge what’s happening. The lifeboats in this metaphor? Disruption. That may sound a little dramatic, but it’s undeniable that many colleges and universities are stuck in 20th-century—or even 19th- century—models of higher education. In our 21st-century world, that’s no longer acceptable. Institutions are floundering, and if they don’t start to catch up, they are going to sink. Disruption in higher education needs to happen everywhere, from admissions processes to business practices and from the way we teach to the way we determine student outcomes.

How my university is disrupting higher education

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