Online Learning Update

March 29, 2018

Will your job survive when the machines come?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:07 am

By Networks Asia
Almost half (48%) of Singapore business leaders believe they’ll have more job satisfaction in the future by offloading the tasks they don’t want to do to machines, while 52% disagree, finds research conducted by Vanson Bourne. Findings pointed towards how a truly mutually beneficial partnership is on the cards – if businesses prepare accordingly.  Machines will assume work functions in finance, inventory, logistics, administration, customer service, marketing, HR, medical care and more to alter the course of education. Society will enter a new phase that will be characterized by “in the moment” learning as the pace of change will be so rapid that new industries will be created and new skills will be required to survive.  A majority (97%) believe that technology will change the way we learn by 2030, globally.

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