By Dian Schaffhauser, THE Journal
The average cost of a data breach in the United States rose for the fourth straight year, hitting $225 per compromised record–the highest it has been since 2006, when the Ponemon Institute began to publish research on the topic. In education, which tends to be more heavily regulated regarding data privacy, the average “per capita” cost for 2017 in this country is even higher: $245. That’s considerably more than the worldwide per-record cost in education of $200. (Per capita represents the total cost of the data breach divided by the number of lost or stolen records.) According to Ponemon’s “2017 Cost of Data Breach Study,” the average total organizational cost across all segments, not just education, is $7.35 million, up almost five percent over last year’s $7 million. The average number of records exposed was 28,512.
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