Online Learning Update

April 25, 2017

Simulated classroom learning

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Robert Klimper, Coyote Chronicle

Online courses sometimes are exactly what a busy college student needs, allowing for a more flexible schedule. Though online courses offer a more flexible schedule, it is not unheard of for students to feel a somewhat of a disconnect to the instructor of the courses as they can just be a wall of text with no face to face interaction. “If it is done well, an online course can connect you in very interesting ways to you students,” said Dr. Mihaela Popescu, communication professor and faculty associate with Academic Technologies & Innovation (ATI). Dr. Popescu sees a purpose in online courses and tries to work around the issue of the disconnect that can come from online only courses. She tries to achieve this through allowing the students themselves to introduce each other through outlets like video or audio so that other students feel a sense of connection.

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