Online Learning Update

June 21, 2011

Twitter Hashtag #onlinelearning #mschool

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Ankit Ranka, EdLab Columbia University

One of the features I thought of for the course platform of mSchool was to use hashtags to make the courses more dynamic. Here is how it will work – anyone who creates an online course will be able to add resources to their courses using hashtags. For example, if I create a ‘C programming course’ , I wil be able to add hashtag #programming to my tweets related to programming and all the links in those tweets will be automatically added to my course. One of the problems I have seen with online course delivery platforms is that they require a lot of effort from teachers to create and maintain courses. And they are not updated over longer periods of time. I think methods like adding resources via twitter, email and other social networking sites will make those courses more dynamic and related to the current events. These methods might also help get the unconventional teachers (I couldn’t find a better term for people who are not teachers but are willing to teach) to create courses since they won’t have to spend hours creating and maintaining their courses.

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