Online Learning Update

June 28, 2016

Higher ed requires drastic changes to remain competitive for students

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Jarrett Carter, Education Dive

More than 50 million Americans owe student loan debt, a number that exceeds the amount of people receiving benefits for Social Security and Medicaid. Demographics suggest the U.S. population is increasingly older and earns a lower median income than it did 10 years ago — a reality that clashes directly with increasing college costs across the country. Not only that, but the population is also shifting from the traditionally white, affluent male student population many schools are used to recruiting and educating to a broader cross-section of the country’s actual population. Competency-based instruction, predictive analytics and online education delivery are the keys to reducing costs and improving student outcomes in the 21st century.

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