Online Learning Update

March 31, 2015

What Can Happen If I Don’t Follow State Authorization Regulations?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by WCET Frontiers

A public university in the Midwest recently discovered what can happen in a relatively straightforward situation in which the institution failed to get authorization. Institution X enrolled an online student in a state in which state authorization is required, but did not get that authorization. When the institution contacted the appropriate agency in the student’s state of residence, state officials there indicated that not only was the tuition debt uncollectable, but all of the student’s tuition that had been collected had to be refunded in order to avoid formal action against the provider, which could have included a ban on operating in that state, as the institution had no authority to charge tuition to a resident of that state. Yes, states really do take action, it just rarely appears in the headlines.  (see the URL for more details on non-compliance)

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