Online Learning Update

May 31, 2014

Tomorrow’s Professor; “Private and Secure” Online Classes?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:09 am

by Ellen Cohn, University of Pittsburgh

The posting linked below addresses privacy vulnerabilities in the online learning environment. Given the seriousness of potential breaches, the authors suggest that universities and their instructors collaborate to construct “Privacy Policies,” and “Terms of Use Policies,” and that all persons who access an online course site affirm they have read and accept such policies before they are afforded access to the content of an online class. Written by Ellen Cohn, PhD and Valerie Watzlaf, PhD, from the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, the post is adapted via terms of the Creative Commons License, from “‘Informed “Privacy’ and ‘Terms of Use’ Policies for Online University Courses,” published in the Proceedings of the 2013 Technology, Colleges and Community and Worldwide Online Conference.

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