Educational Technology

August 25, 2010

iPad on Academic Probation

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:30 am

by Joe Wolverton, II, New American

Pedagogy is defined as the art or science of teaching. In the age in which we live, there is as much of one as of the other in classrooms around America. Teachers and professors compete with a variety and availability of stimuli that would astound their predecessors of another time. The noble goal of educating the rising generation has come along way from the days of etching words on clay tablets. The tablet itself, however, may just now be coming into its own. Earlier this week, USA Today asked the question: “Can college students learn as well on iPads, e-books?” The iPad and its biggest rivals, Amazon’s Kindle and the Nook by bookseller Barnes & Noble, are being tested in schools and universities across the country and the measure of their success is still sketchy. That is to say, despite their flash, power, and popularity, these newest technological tools are still on academic probation.

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