Educational Technology

June 30, 2010

“Smart” New Educational Technology Finds Place at Lakeland

Filed under: Educational Technology — admin @ 12:39 am

by Sylvan Lane, Yorktown Patch

The technological advantages of using SmartBoards are vast. SmartBoards consist of an interactive “board” mounted on a wall or movable frame and a projector, which is connected to the teacher’s computer. The projector displays exactly what the teacher’s computer is showing. Teachers can use the boards as they would a typical blackboard or dry erase board and save the notes they have recorded on their computers.SmartBoards allow for more creativity with lessons, Hoffman added. Using the software, teachers can create games such as “Jeopardy” to help students learn in a fun and creative way. History teachers can display a large interactive disassembled map and call students up to move countries to their proper locations. Math teachers can use the board to display a giant graphing calculator to help students learn how to successfully use complicated applications without wasting time to go desk by desk. Science teachers can have students interactively label parts of a cell or demonstrate chemical bonding using the boards.

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